Collection Cars kasvab – uus esindus, laienenud töökoda ja avapidu
Alates sügisest on Collection Cars pühendunud oma teenuste ja võimaluste laiendamisele, et pakkuda klientidele veelgi paremat kvaliteeti ja suuremat teenuste…

Collection Cars pakub võimalust
Pisikestest kriimudest tõsiste kahjustusteni, hooldustöödest põhjaliku remondini, meie meeskond on teid valmis aitama. Teeme koostööd kõikide kindlustus seltsidega.
There are cars that have stood up to the test of time and there are moments that we wish we could relive. This here is a trip down the memory lane, taking us to the era where cars, despite lacking modern automation, could still cut it with sheer elegance and reliability.
These are the cars that make you feel the excitement last felt in your early years. Let us agree that taking a drive in a properly built classic works as a reasonable excuse for a little yet unforgettable detour.
Buying a classic is an investment for the future! The worth of these classic masterpieces grows as the years go by.
Collection Cars serves as a good starting point for making your dreams come true!
Collection Cars is an excellent outcome of a solid friendship driven by the mutual passion for timeless automobiles. With the utmost diligence we purchase, preserve, restore and sell classic cars, each one of them having a story to tell.
Our long-lasting journey and sincere commitment have brought us to the place where some of the very best classics are kept in store. Whether being interested in ordering a classic or just looking for some proper advice, we are more than glad to help you.
cars in the collection
25000 €
average cost of a car
experience in field
average age of a car
Collection Cars kasvab – uus esindus, laienenud töökoda ja avapidu
Alates sügisest on Collection Cars pühendunud oma teenuste ja võimaluste laiendamisele, et pakkuda klientidele veelgi paremat kvaliteeti ja suuremat teenuste…
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+372 5656 2484
Töökoda: Paavli 6, 10412, Tallinn
Lelle 24, 11318 Tallinn
Collection Cars OÜ
Registrikood: 16536547
KMKR nr: EE102515299